The GREEN MACHINE is based upon Quality, Consistency, Patience & Money Management.
We stick to what we know. We do one thing and do it well: NFL Regular Season. The GREEN MACHINE has an overall winning percentage of .625 over the past four years. Please review our plays and results in detail.
We have analyzed the results of every NFL regular season game over the past 36 years (over 9000 games) and discovered a statistic, applicable to all NFL teams, that has consistently averaged 81% over the past 36 years and never below 70% in any given year. In its simplest terms, the GREEN MACHINE utilizes a mechanical, reproducible approach to exploit this phenomenon, to identify those games where we believe an advantage exists in order to qualify as GREEN MACHINE selections.
We only play those games where we believe an advantage exists. Consequently, there may be weeks where there are no selections or only one game selected. We resist the temptation to have action just for the sake of it, preferring No Action to Losing. There is no set number of qualifying games in a season, the GREEN MACHINE will generate selections purely on meeting objective criteria based upon, match-ups, spreads and team performance.
All qualifying selections are played straight up for one, two or three units. Our published won/lost record is based upon total units as well as games played, and although the weighting of plays does not affect our overall winning percentage by much (.625 weighted vs. .618 unweighted), it does allow us to bank a few extra units each year. So if you are seeking to maximize your annual return, it is important that each selection be played for the proper number of units in order to duplicate our results. We consider our goal to be profitable on a seasonal basis and recommend those inclined to use the GREEN MACHINE to make a season long commitment, rather than week to week. Historically, week by week can be boom or bust, but season by season will result in steady growth. Based upon an initial 10 unit bankroll, we have achieved a return in excess of 100% in each of the last four years.
No Garbage Stats
Why you should avoid statistics that are too remote in time, or based on too small of a sample size…
How Stats Can Lie
Sometimes the team that wins the stats, loses the game.
Why Bettors Lose
Our 10 commandments. Avoid these mistakes and the losses that accompany them.
“Covering the spread is a matter of exceeding expectations in a particular contest and the higher the expectations, the more difficult it becomes to exceed them and cover the bet”
—Jimi Green